Friday 30 September 2016

Rhinoceroses facts | Population decline cause

The Rhino

The Rhinoceroses are the largest land mammal after elephant. They are herbivorous mammals identified by their characteristics horned snouts. The word “Rhinoceros” comes from the Greek “rhino” & "ceros” which means “nose” & “horn” respectively. Rhinoceros may look like prehistorical creatures, & they do date back millions of years to the Miocene era. As we know Rhinos are herbivorous mammals, they eat only plants. White rhinos, with their square-shaped lips, are ideally suited to graze on grass. Other rhinos prefer to eat the foliage of trees or bushes.
There are five species of rhinos, two African & three Asian. The African species are the black & white rhinoceroses, and both species have two horns. Asian species are Indian, Javan & Sumantran rhinoceroses, and the Indian & Javan rhinoceroses have one horned & the Sumantran rhinoceroses have two horned. There are total eleven subspecies of rhinos. The Sumatran rhino is found in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Javan rhino, once found in a number of Asian countries, today lives only in Indonesia and Vietnam. Similarly, the Indian rhino once roamed across most of the Indian subcontinent, but today is only found in small sections of India and Nepal. 
The largest rhino species is the white rhino. It grows to 12 to 13 feet long & up to 6 feet from hoof to shoulder. It weighs about 5000 lbs (2300 kilograms). The smallest rhino species is the Sumantran rhino. It grows to 8 to 10 feet long & up to 4.8 feet from hoof to shoulder. It weighs around 1765 lbs (800 kilograms).
Every two and a half to five years, a female rhino will reproduce. Female rhino carry their young for a gestation period of 15 to 16 months. They usually only have one baby at a time but sometimes they have twins. The life span of rhinos are 35 to 40 years.
Current estimated populations:
Black Rhino: 4,880
White Rhino: 20,165
Sumatran Rhino: 140 - 210
Javan Rhino: 35 - 45
Indian Rhino: 3,624

Sadly, the northern white rhino – a subspecies of the white rhino – has been completely wiped out. No animals remain in the wild, and with only 5 left in captivity, this subspecies faces certain extinction. Only the southern white rhino will remain.  
Black rhinos, Sumatran rhinos & Javan rhinos are critically endangered species. White rhinos are near threatened, which mean they may be considered threatened by extinction in the near future.The population of rhino is decreasing due poaching of the rhinos for their horns, which is rapidly pushing them towards extinction. The biggest threat to rhinos is poaching. They are killed for their horns, which are sold in the illegal wildlife trade. Their horns are also used in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as carved into jewellery, dagger handles and other trinkets.As we know, humans are the main cause for rhino population decline. So, we have to put the poachers across the jail. We can help to increase the population of rhino by money funding. We know that conservation efforts save species. The southern white rhino would not exist today if it were not for the work of a few determined people, who brought together the 200 or so individuals surviving, for a managed breeding and re-introduction program. Today, there are some 20,405 Southern white rhinos. And with more money, we can support more program & increase more population of rhinos.                                         

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We all have an opportunity to get involved in this program & increase the number of rhinos.

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