Monday 1 August 2016

Cats as a Pet

Cute kitten

Most of the people love Kitten or Cats as pet then dogs because of their cuteness. Due to their cuteness & cleanliness, humans want to keep the Kittens or Cats as a pet. Kittens love to play with each other’s & play with humans. Kittens sleep more than 18 hours in a day. Even, the Cats are sleeping about 16 hours in a day. Cats sleep twice as much as humans do. The domestic cats are also called as feral cat. These cats are small in size & they eat both, veg & non-veg foods. So, cats are carnivorous mammals. There are more than 80 breeds of cats in the world.Cats have flexible & strong body. They have strong teeth to kill the small animals, birds etc. & strong claws for capture them. The cats also use there claws while jumping, climbing, etc. The cats are using there claws for scratching. Scratching is a good for cats; it is a form of exercise for them.

Best thing in cats are: -
  • They don't need constant human attention always. 
  • Cats are clean animal than other animals.
  • Kittens love to play with humans.
  • Cats can see in the dark also.
  • Cats can hear ultrasonic sound to.

Bad things cats do:-
  • Cats are tearing the papers & littering in the house.
  • Cats catch birds & mice in the house & make the house dirty.
  • They are usually scratches  the body of  humans while playing.
  • The adult cats don't like children, and will swing their claws at them if child goes to hit them. So, take care of your child from adult cats.

Cats are extremely loyal. They don't need to bath because they are meticulous about grooming themselves. 
"One more thing we have to remember that if we are regularly going to be away from home then we may wish to consider getting two cats for company." 
So, keep loving cats as pet & keep smiling 

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