Monday 25 July 2016

Keep Loving Animals

Love Animals

We all are creatures of god, but humans are more intelligent than other creatures. So, Humans have to think about the nature & creatures of the Earth. We have to save the endangered animals & trees and safe the other creatures. All the creatures are necessary for the Nature; even it is an Ant or an Elephant. All the creatures have their own advantages.

Animals are more loyal then others, such as Dog, Dogs are best example of loyalty. Some of the animals are working, they are helping to transport   goods, such as horses, cow, donkey are used to transport object or move object.

They are used for eating purposes such as Chickens, Goats, and Fishes etc. it is also used in farm to cultivate the soil of farm. We are getting milks, butter, cheesy, cloth, leather, fur etc. from animals
And most important is that “Animals are part of the food chain and keep ecosystem in balance”.
 Endangered animals have a safe place to live and continue breeding to prevent extinction.
And most safe place is zoo. In Zoo, animals are live & they are feed.

"Keep loving animals, either pets or non-pets. They wants love & affection from us."
Keep Smiling & keep loving but Don't harm them.

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